Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lunar Module Blueprints

This week holidays start in August. Although it is heard like 'Hey, vacation, great! " no big deal because it only lasts a week. Still, it is enough to go to sea, go to the fair or spend all day on the couch.

Anyway, as I came out on Friday and lack of leisure Baccano me and I just got finish watching it ... Narita is a genius ... rly

At first I was very interested in view, and even the first chapter was not a big deal until it appeared Firo (♥). But generally speaking, the plot is great, has everything, so all (or almost, as q

} Who would not? Not only do not get bored with it, but I would laugh all the way and and blah. In addition, once dreamed that I went to Ely liked ... until the volcano erupted, do not ask.
feel like I'm cheating on him Tsunayoshi but I feel kinda weird because neither he nor I would break the ice either, Yama does not have me to worry about that. Crowny Oi, do not kill me

4. Character you'd like to go shopping with CHT

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Because I know she would be brutally honest with me when I need someone's opinion to prove something. Also it would control me if I decide quickly, rly. Sometimes I need someone like that, but I spend all day looking for something that ultimately end up buying in the first shop I entered. 5. Character you'd like your child as

Chrome Dokuro {} need to give a reason, no, I do not. Just look at it, is


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