Notes on the art of writing fairy tales.
By HP Lovecraft.
The reason why is because I write fantasy stories cause me personal satisfaction and I come into the vague, elusive, fragmentary sense of what beautiful, beauty and visions that fill me with some prospects (scenes, architecture, landscape, atmosphere, etc..) ideas, crazy ideas and images. My love of supernatural stories is that they fit perfectly with my personal inclinations, one of my strongest desires is to achievethe theme or story development, but if the structure of my stories were analyzed, it is possible that they could discover certain rules as listed below:
1) Prepare a synopsis or scenario of events in order of apparition No, not in the narrative. Describe to force the facts to make credible the incidents that will take place. The details, comments and descriptions are of great importance in this initial sketch.
2) Prepare a second synopsis or scenario of events, this time in order of narration, with detailed descriptions and comprehensive, and annotations to a possible change of perspective, or an increase in the climax. Change ifinitial synopsis if necessary, as long as they achieve greater dramatic interest. Interpolate or delete incidents where necessary, without sticking to the original idea but the result is a completely different story to that first thought. Allow additions and alterations if they are sufficiently related to the formulation of events,
3) Write the story quickly and smoothly, without being too critical, following point (2), ie, according to the narrative order in the synopsis. Change the incidents or plot development where the ~ a store to such change, without being influenced by the previous sketch. Sa detailed overview of these events on your account. So that sometimes start the sketch before I knew how I would later be developed.
consider four different types of supernatural stories: one expresses an aptitude or feeling, another a plastic concept, a third reported a general situation, condition, reading or intellectual concept, and a fourth shows a definitive picture , or a specific situation of dramatic nature. Moreover, the fantastic stories can be classified into two broad categories: those in which it is wonderful or terrible relatretention in the form of creating a suitable atmosphere, applying the necessary emphasis on the right time. Nobody can, except in popular magazines, presenting a phenomenon impossible, improbable or inconceivable, as if it were a narrative of objective acts. The stories about extraordinary events have certain complexities that must be overcome to ensure its credibility, and this can only be achieved by treating the subject with cautious realism, except when dealing with the supernatural phenomenon. This item impresióny great cause must take great care in building emotional appearance should just feel, but it must be noted. If fuerátum of fantasy literature. In fact, the whole fantastic story should be a clear touch of a certain type of human behavior. If we take any other kind of priority, could become a mediocre play, childish and unconvincing. The emphasis should communicate with subtlety, indications, vague suggestions that are associated with each other, creating an illusion of the ex ~ foggy reality of the unreal. Avoid unnecessary descriptions of incredible events that are not significant.
These were the rules or patterns that have followed, consciously or unconsciously, as I have always considered seriously enough to createfantastic. That my results can not understand it is quite debatable, but what I am sure of is that if it had ignored the rules here above, my stories would have been much worse than they are now.
1) Prepare a synopsis or scenario of events in order of apparition No, not in the narrative. Describe to force the facts to make credible the incidents that will take place. The details, comments and descriptions are of great importance in this initial sketch.
2) Prepare a second synopsis or scenario of events, this time in order of narration, with detailed descriptions and comprehensive, and annotations to a possible change of perspective, or an increase in the climax. Change ifinitial synopsis if necessary, as long as they achieve greater dramatic interest. Interpolate or delete incidents where necessary, without sticking to the original idea but the result is a completely different story to that first thought. Allow additions and alterations if they are sufficiently related to the formulation of events,
3) Write the story quickly and smoothly, without being too critical, following point (2), ie, according to the narrative order in the synopsis. Change the incidents or plot development where the ~ a store to such change, without being influenced by the previous sketch. Sa detailed overview of these events on your account. So that sometimes start the sketch before I knew how I would later be developed.
consider four different types of supernatural stories: one expresses an aptitude or feeling, another a plastic concept, a third reported a general situation, condition, reading or intellectual concept, and a fourth shows a definitive picture , or a specific situation of dramatic nature. Moreover, the fantastic stories can be classified into two broad categories: those in which it is wonderful or terrible relatretention in the form of creating a suitable atmosphere, applying the necessary emphasis on the right time. Nobody can, except in popular magazines, presenting a phenomenon impossible, improbable or inconceivable, as if it were a narrative of objective acts. The stories about extraordinary events have certain complexities that must be overcome to ensure its credibility, and this can only be achieved by treating the subject with cautious realism, except when dealing with the supernatural phenomenon. This item impresióny great cause must take great care in building emotional appearance should just feel, but it must be noted. If fuerátum of fantasy literature. In fact, the whole fantastic story should be a clear touch of a certain type of human behavior. If we take any other kind of priority, could become a mediocre play, childish and unconvincing. The emphasis should communicate with subtlety, indications, vague suggestions that are associated with each other, creating an illusion of the ex ~ foggy reality of the unreal. Avoid unnecessary descriptions of incredible events that are not significant.
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