Sunday, November 1, 2009

1024 X 768 Vs 800 X 600 Projector


new, new life! (? Hahaha.

Yesterday was not a very good day for me, it never is. Although I LOVE Halloween, memories always outweigh me and end up crying like a sick. Those who know me know that you do not queers take much to see me, but what made me mourn yesterday, and that makes me mourn every year, is very important to me than any other boludez why can mourn during the year .
The date brings out a feeling every day, I try to ignore but, every time Halloween arrives, reminds me that is there, and makes me feel the worst garbage of the universe.
Fortunately, each GL orafter that depressing day, arrives in November and believe it or not, they always start well.
I got up at 10 because my brother wanted me to see movies that we recorded for Halloween and we could not see because of my depresíóny the assembly of the SUM (SUM = Saló No multiple uses. In the garage there was a galponcito where they kept things not Serviam, and my parents were all weekend transforming it into a little room to play with my brothers and for the playstation Greatest plays guitar with the amp head without holes).
saw "The Uninvited & quday has to go out with someone, go to Chels's because she kissed him two months ago and it did not say: "Aiii yes, because I kissed Joe Jonas" , EVEN hinted! ♥ I love my idol (? So, you see, I'm happy, so all those who cared for me yesterday (? Jajajaja (no, seriously, I know there are people who is concerned) do not, because it is something that unfortunately happens every Halloween.

I love u people! ♥ xoxo

Meli .-


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