Thursday, March 26, 2009
How To Get The Hacking Device On Poptropica
I was approaching an exhausting weekend, tomorrow I have a practice field "and fanerogamia Critogamia" so menso fourth at 8 am we have to be in college to take the bus to go to Asturias to two different beaches and cliffs to collect algae, bryophytes, lichens, ferns and higher plants. I like field trips, but the truth is I have no great desire, I have a bad week a bit different and what I need is rest, do not throw me 12 hours by taking cambo plants galore.
And to finish on Saturday I have another, what is bad bad here & iacuyou, but the place where we stayed is a one hour walk from home and there is no bus to take you there or know anyone who can drive me TT So that day after madrugóny I will be playing another walk Walk but this to collect arthropods, see if I can at least pick up a third of the need for entomological collection that I have to deliver in June (about 120 different species I will give something.)
Miguel on Tuesday led to Darwin (one of my furry little rodents) to the vet because I was scared so I took him
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Looking For Diet For Cats With Ibs More meme XD
1. You can take as much time as you want before you answer.
2. Be honest XD
3. You can replace your answers with pictures = P
4. Have fun! ^ O ^
a) Favorite artist always (or singer, actor, comedian, etc. NO GROUPS).
b) Writer of favorite dramas (you can put the name of drama but you know who wrote the screenplay).
not see dramas. _
g) Banda favorite moment (both sexes. NO voices within groups). Grouping feminine ~ next Male:
h) Favorite Movie (NO Special Drama).
i) Favourite Drama Special. Next ~ ~ j) Favorite actor.
k) favorite actress. CHT
(Ok, not Asian but I have no excuse ... LOL asdf) l) 3 favorite Dramas 2008. I see no dramas xO
m) Favorite Song. n) Nominate 5 other people to do the meme.
who wants to do XDD
Friday, March 20, 2009
Ap Biology Lab 5 Cellular Respiration Answers Nonsense
Today I went to the mall with my boyfriend and I bought zillions cute things in Claire's, including the wonderful bag-black heart that I really wanted and how not many hair accessories ; Cursed vice!
Also, my boy gave me a wonderful portfolio with the periodic table and made me happy, I am a scientific process and science geek and looking like crazy anything to do with it. In fact in my future projects is to have a room in the house with a drawing of the double hép; aacute n out or were currando because I have stayed at home all afternoon. Yes, it has helped me to get to make accessories (bracelets, necklaces and other) to Doi (my BJD). Prsonalizarlo I love but I want more, the thing is that as an ordinary boy who does not carry as many oddities I can not put things quite striking, however with the bracelets and laspecas that I will in the future and use whatever I will have my taste. And maybe in the future has also changed since the wig is not leading his court but one similar. Of course, since he got his new eyes esoty more than happy, fully capture the essence of the person, with eyelets blue and cold as ice, but with face pussy. And to top it fotillo love is total
Monday, March 16, 2009
Kidney Stones Surgery Moi Lolita
So as I was more than accustomed to carry things quirky and unusual but I'm also used to hold looks of disapproval, contempt and insulting comments, among other things like reviews like, "That's not Carnival!". But what I will tell you who I read here, if it is to be carried Lolita or other unusual clothes have to be sitting in front of this and be & amp; aacute n more boring than having to endure the same.
Of course these comments and I will not come I will not make myself stop what I like, but still there are days that are a little discouraged or simply for being tired I do not want to deal with it, despite having an overwhelming desire dressed in my bloomers, pettitcoat, dresses and lace blouses and elaborate hair ornaments. Despite take about two years Lolita dressing maso less regular way yet every time I go out my stomach flips at what I have to enfremind and tell your friends hey look you paint!. But I do not understand is the nerve that leads some to follow with his eyes openly, even stopping in the middle of the street and turning around to look at you until you turn the corner. I do not understand the lack of education of those who point fingers and laugh. I do not understand the lack of respect for those who insult you loudly.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
What Jelly Bracelets Mean Turquoise
The picture has nothing to do with the subject, but I like to go with some imagencilla entries and wanted to put this: 3
As you read the post title may seem I'm angry or upset with something, but even if not so much the story comes.
Today I've been thinking about a certain subject and I really like to know if there are more people they do, too, do not you think of that people are no longer just that but you fall ill that their presence bothers you? I would not know how to explain these feelings, but I will try.
There are people who dislike me, but other than that I andiacute; as having a week) makes me want to turn around and go back to go, in fact I usually get into my room to read until they go to avoid confrontation.
I'm not saying they're bad or good, or bagpipes, you simply can not stand being in the same room as them because I put black, and I made today about 15 minutes with one of them and I will miss a Borderío to (with good reason this time I think but good). Is that this is the sort of people who can not stand living at the expense of money from their parents, with 20 and many years engaged in a race that has not passed or that the first and boast over attributing knowledge not, asThat precisely fit this profile and that among many other things on top are those that are in the plan of "everything that I like to me is brutal and what is not shit." An example is cuandoe Staba at a meeting of the association discussing upcoming activities we would do when talking about Lolita Chat and after saying that all the women's association (we are quite ) and some of the men we agreed on it, he who does not carry or 3 months in the asociacióny he has not done anything for her jumps "That is not right because I do not care" . That is who you think you are to decideiera of these groups, I'm not complaining or anything, live and let live. I simply do this discussion because I've noticed that most of these people who can not stand are tracings from each other, with differences here and there but with the personality traits most characteristic identical.
you do happen to you too? "Or am I humming?