and I fear aproximacióny feelings and intimacy with others. A little talkative, daydreaming, and prefer theoretical speculation to action. Fantasy is a common way to face reality. schizotypal personality disorder
People with schizotypal personality, as well as those with schizoid personality disorder, are emotionally and socially isolated. Also develop thoughts, perceptions and foreign communications. Although these oddities are similar to those of people with schizophrenia and schizotypal personality but is sometimes found in people with andorno avoidant personality is much like social phobia.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
How Do You Know When Some One Has Food Posion I'm 47% virgin [Leisure: B]
Stolen from lj Malice
..... This is the game begins with 100% and take away 1% for each thing you've done. Then send it as I am __% Virgin.
initial the percentage being 100%
1 Smoked Drank alcohol
2 3 Cried when someone died drunk
4 (a)
6 5 Had sex Been to a concert
7 masturbated someone or you have masturbated
8 Made or received oral sex oral sex
9 I have been harassed verbally or sexually harassed
10 Has someone verbally or sexually
current score: 94%
11 Sitting on the lap of someone sitting or someone in your
legs Laughed so hard 12Blade''shit''someone and then acted like their best friend
48 watched television for 8 consecutive hours
49 Online status for 9 consecutive hours 50
seen an animal die
Current Percentage: 74% 51
seen a person die, 52
kissed or been with at least one person 53 54 Pranked somebody Put somebody in the hospital
55 Usme on things or someone else's room
56 Kissed someone of the same sex
57 Dressed punk''''Gothika''
58 Dresses (o)''59 Dresses''
emo "
60 Ido to a motocross race
current rate: 68% Avoided
61 62 If someone
Current percentage: 58% 81
Donated your hair to cancer patients 82
asked out by someone who never thought you'd be asked out by 83
Cried over someone of the opposite sex
84 had a boyfriend (a) for 3 85 months or more
Sitting on your butt all day 86
Eaten a carton of ice cream all by yourself (a) Had a job 87
88 State sports team Been called Put
89 90 Danced and
@ @ Put
current rate: 53% 91
Been mistaken for a celebrity 92
State in a car accident 93
Been told you have beautiful eyes 94
Been told you have beautiful hair
aa 95 Violet96
omeone Danced in the rain Been Banned
97 98 Ido
a restaurant without paying 99
Beaten someone in the face
100 had something of a night with a stranger @.
final percentage: 47%
..... This is the game begins with 100% and take away 1% for each thing you've done. Then send it as I am __% Virgin.
initial the percentage being 100%
1 Smoked Drank alcohol
2 3 Cried when someone died drunk
4 (a)
6 5 Had sex Been to a concert
7 masturbated someone or you have masturbated
8 Made or received oral sex oral sex
9 I have been harassed verbally or sexually harassed
10 Has someone verbally or sexually
current score: 94%
11 Sitting on the lap of someone sitting or someone in your
legs Laughed so hard 12Blade''shit''someone and then acted like their best friend
48 watched television for 8 consecutive hours
49 Online status for 9 consecutive hours 50
seen an animal die
Current Percentage: 74% 51
seen a person die, 52
kissed or been with at least one person 53 54 Pranked somebody Put somebody in the hospital
55 Usme on things or someone else's room
56 Kissed someone of the same sex
57 Dressed punk''''Gothika''
58 Dresses (o)''59 Dresses''
emo "
60 Ido to a motocross race
current rate: 68% Avoided
61 62 If someone
Current percentage: 58% 81
Donated your hair to cancer patients 82
asked out by someone who never thought you'd be asked out by 83
Cried over someone of the opposite sex
84 had a boyfriend (a) for 3 85 months or more
Sitting on your butt all day 86
Eaten a carton of ice cream all by yourself (a) Had a job 87
88 State sports team Been called Put
89 90 Danced and
@ @ Put
current rate: 53% 91
Been mistaken for a celebrity 92
State in a car accident 93
Been told you have beautiful eyes 94
Been told you have beautiful hair
aa 95 Violet96
omeone Danced in the rain Been Banned
97 98 Ido
a restaurant without paying 99
Beaten someone in the face
100 had something of a night with a stranger @.
final percentage: 47%
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Side Band Radios Uses Of * W *!
araza to Eight (Hiroki)? xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!! this is what happens when characters in books together with characters from anime LOL !!!!!!!
Can you recommend any fic about Nine (Nowaki)?
time ago I read a very beautiful NowakixHiroki TwT but can not remember what it was called XD
Two (Gackt) and Six (Lestat) would make a good couple?
clear ~ ~ Oh God! : Q_______________ this is what I call sexy!
"Five / Nine (Sakura / Nowaki) or Five / Ten (Sakura / Mao)? Definitely
Sakura / Mao xDDDDD but when I imagine it is like watching auNo Saku pedophile!
LOL What would happen if Seven (Aki) was two (Gackt) and Twelve (Nicolas) having sexoserzo?
mmm ... if I were Aki ... I would not be so bad xDDDD (lucky the pure Gackt has relationships with vampire chronicles xD!)
Make summary for a fic Three / Ten (Ken / Mao). ;___; That should be illegal em ... such thing as "Mao Ken tries to rape ..." (?) LOL!
Is it possible to fluff One / Eight (Hyde / Hiroki)? Awww
; __;
What kind of plot you would use ifFour want it (Kaz) deflower One (Hyde)?
not know if I fully understood the question but .... if that's what I think xD and with these characters ... it's like these questions answered themselves
anyone in your friends list read Seven Slash on (Aki)?
I think I'm the only person who loves AkixHyde; _; (ok, Hyde did not mention but there xD nice pair for Hyde e__é Aki!)
anyone in your friends list read Three het over (Ken)?
. __. I do not know XD
anyone in your friends list write or draw on Once (Tetsu)?
yeah, many
xD Does anyone in your friends list wrote a Two / Four / Five (Gackt / Kaz / Sakura)?
yeahhhh! xDDDD even I would XDDD
If you wrote a songfic about Eight (Hiroki), what song would you use?
pigster Gore!! ;________; That simply does not ask \u0026lt;/ 3!
If you wrote a One / Six / Twelve (Hyde / Lestat / Nicolas), what are the warnings?
Warning: Fic out of my wet dreams but I do not erotic take responsibility for what may become (xDDDDDD knowAs I hallucinated on HydexLestat and LestatxNicolas?? I now put the 3 together! LOL)
What would be the line of Two (Gackt) for linking to Ten (Mao)?
More ;___; pedophiles (although they are almost the same age xDDD ) em .. something like "want a sweet, D" xDDDD I do not know because I imagine Mao as a child in kindergarten lol!
What could be the secret sexual extravagance Six (Lestat)?
need to be answered? if not secret! : Q_____________
If Three (Ken) and Seven (Aki) pairs, who would be up? CHTNicolas a book y. .. who in their right mind dejaríaa Hyde and Kaz? XDDDDDDDDDDDDD but I liked the end. _. but ... if I had been Sakura had given advice to Hyde to stay with me lol em ... In conclusion
is sakuhai xD and love no one should write something. _.
xD And I finish the meme, or,! xDDDDD was fun while it lasted but would have preferred a threesome between Lestat / Hyde / Gackt * drool * xD *-* U Lestat talking and it was my exposure to the kind of literature on Interview with the Vampire y. .. I think that if anything became clear to my colleagues is that Lestat loved Louis xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD gays were as a very greatClaudia hate to know? but Hyde is lovely ~ xDDDDD and fairest picture the whole Hyde and Gackt live *-* * 0 *
not it beautiful see these 2 together? , Or they do not know how happy I was when I saw that picture the night of October 31 ... I remember like it was yesterday xD *-* so cute especially with those breasts (...) Hyde xDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Well, I go to the topic xD Gackt PV YOUR NEW TODAY SALIO *----* after , s of many months of waiting for something new from him! (I hope now when the new album comes as promised for a¬ year. ¬) I really liked those *-* is unusual in Gackt xD and as mentioned once (I think in my flog xD) Gackt has been spending too much time with Hyde XD
See *---*
Jesus - Gackt
And you know? xD I'm tired and I have sueñoy not know if I am done my homework. _. I do not know that yesterday I happened to forget to do the accounting, Literature and Guidance D: I hope now I can not remember xD no sleep early today because tomorrow I will go home Mely making project is ugly Physics, so you can not
Can you recommend any fic about Nine (Nowaki)?
time ago I read a very beautiful NowakixHiroki TwT but can not remember what it was called XD
Two (Gackt) and Six (Lestat) would make a good couple?
clear ~ ~ Oh God! : Q_______________ this is what I call sexy!
"Five / Nine (Sakura / Nowaki) or Five / Ten (Sakura / Mao)? Definitely
Sakura / Mao xDDDDD but when I imagine it is like watching auNo Saku pedophile!
LOL What would happen if Seven (Aki) was two (Gackt) and Twelve (Nicolas) having sexoserzo?
mmm ... if I were Aki ... I would not be so bad xDDDD (lucky the pure Gackt has relationships with vampire chronicles xD!)
Make summary for a fic Three / Ten (Ken / Mao). ;___; That should be illegal em ... such thing as "Mao Ken tries to rape ..." (?) LOL!
Is it possible to fluff One / Eight (Hyde / Hiroki)? Awww
; __;
What kind of plot you would use ifFour want it (Kaz) deflower One (Hyde)?
not know if I fully understood the question but .... if that's what I think xD and with these characters ... it's like these questions answered themselves
anyone in your friends list read Seven Slash on (Aki)?
I think I'm the only person who loves AkixHyde; _; (ok, Hyde did not mention but there xD nice pair for Hyde e__é Aki!)
anyone in your friends list read Three het over (Ken)?
. __. I do not know XD
anyone in your friends list write or draw on Once (Tetsu)?
yeah, many
xD Does anyone in your friends list wrote a Two / Four / Five (Gackt / Kaz / Sakura)?
yeahhhh! xDDDD even I would XDDD
If you wrote a songfic about Eight (Hiroki), what song would you use?
pigster Gore!! ;________; That simply does not ask \u0026lt;/ 3!
If you wrote a One / Six / Twelve (Hyde / Lestat / Nicolas), what are the warnings?
Warning: Fic out of my wet dreams but I do not erotic take responsibility for what may become (xDDDDDD knowAs I hallucinated on HydexLestat and LestatxNicolas?? I now put the 3 together! LOL)
What would be the line of Two (Gackt) for linking to Ten (Mao)?
More ;___; pedophiles (although they are almost the same age xDDD ) em .. something like "want a sweet, D" xDDDD I do not know because I imagine Mao as a child in kindergarten lol!
What could be the secret sexual extravagance Six (Lestat)?
need to be answered? if not secret! : Q_____________
If Three (Ken) and Seven (Aki) pairs, who would be up? CHTNicolas a book y. .. who in their right mind dejaríaa Hyde and Kaz? XDDDDDDDDDDDDD but I liked the end. _. but ... if I had been Sakura had given advice to Hyde to stay with me lol em ... In conclusion
is sakuhai xD and love no one should write something. _.
xD And I finish the meme, or,! xDDDDD was fun while it lasted but would have preferred a threesome between Lestat / Hyde / Gackt * drool * xD *-* U Lestat talking and it was my exposure to the kind of literature on Interview with the Vampire y. .. I think that if anything became clear to my colleagues is that Lestat loved Louis xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD gays were as a very greatClaudia hate to know? but Hyde is lovely ~ xDDDDD and fairest picture the whole Hyde and Gackt live *-* * 0 *
not it beautiful see these 2 together? , Or they do not know how happy I was when I saw that picture the night of October 31 ... I remember like it was yesterday xD *-* so cute especially with those breasts (...) Hyde xDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Well, I go to the topic xD Gackt PV YOUR NEW TODAY SALIO *----* after , s of many months of waiting for something new from him! (I hope now when the new album comes as promised for a¬ year. ¬) I really liked those *-* is unusual in Gackt xD and as mentioned once (I think in my flog xD) Gackt has been spending too much time with Hyde XD
See *---*
Jesus - Gackt
And you know? xD I'm tired and I have sueñoy not know if I am done my homework. _. I do not know that yesterday I happened to forget to do the accounting, Literature and Guidance D: I hope now I can not remember xD no sleep early today because tomorrow I will go home Mely making project is ugly Physics, so you can not
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Pokemon Heart Gold English Rom Mac
"Kimi ga yume Oikaketa"
(The dream I chased) Gackt
saw a nostalgic dream.
At the time we get much closer.
Everyone understood the overwhelming loneliness.
the time we realized that this was
important, it was too late.
The emotions that always happen on our side too dazzling
If you ever do any harm to make you want to mourn,
at that time, I will sing for you until your tears dry.
If chasing the dream, do not have
s fear of being hurt.
At night you tremble, I'll hold strong.
change look so sad,
let me see your smile, that smile
is more wonderful and more precious to me than anything else.
I can remember even now
eternity is not here.
I kept staring with sad eyes to those who disappeared.
No one drives a car without brakes.
That's what was whispered,
looked down and tried to be strong. I simply come to you and hugged you tightly
If it is a dream
let me see your smile, that smile
is more wonderful and more precious to me than anything else.
a dream If you want to grant
do not let your eyes and cry.
On sleepless nights, until you see your dreams,
I'll be there for you.
not be so embarrassed,
let me see your smile.
That smile is more beautiful and more precious to me than anything else.
that smile ...
(Click Image)
As I gusta this giant gif *-* I'm in my moment of love for Gackt ~
There are times when I really hate my life, yesterday I had one of those, though it must be like on Wednesday or Thursday that I was a well. The few things that really fill me in life I can not do with fullness of "x" or "and" sometimes it makes me feel sick, but also depends on how I am, because if I'm sensitive (as these days) I get to mourn for anything, even things I see on TV they normally would not mourn for anyone. _. Well, there are days like today where any little thing makes me feel biennialn. Today was good though I could not do all the things I wanted, gave me no time x_x my exams start tomorrow, Monday and not even consider departmental .-. but I think they start at 9:10 am so I have like 3 hours to study in the morning xD Today I finally see the 1st episode of season 2 of Junjou Romantica and I want *---* 2nd capital out! awww love this anime \u0026lt;3!
And I saw something else I'm glad all day Preview
Platinum Box IX *----* I want !!!!! the preview is too cute (L)! there is something more beautiful than happy to see people you? partly because this video was a good day for me, I really am glad from *-* I love the part where Gackt wet XDDDD aww I want ;__;!
Well, average entry XDDD contribution had wanted to write this week because they may not have time for anything xx
Greetings to those who read:]!
(The dream I chased) Gackt
saw a nostalgic dream.
At the time we get much closer.
Everyone understood the overwhelming loneliness.
the time we realized that this was
important, it was too late.
The emotions that always happen on our side too dazzling
If you ever do any harm to make you want to mourn,
at that time, I will sing for you until your tears dry.
If chasing the dream, do not have
s fear of being hurt.
At night you tremble, I'll hold strong.
change look so sad,
let me see your smile, that smile
is more wonderful and more precious to me than anything else.
I can remember even now
eternity is not here.
I kept staring with sad eyes to those who disappeared.
No one drives a car without brakes.
That's what was whispered,
looked down and tried to be strong. I simply come to you and hugged you tightly
If it is a dream
let me see your smile, that smile
is more wonderful and more precious to me than anything else.
a dream If you want to grant
do not let your eyes and cry.
On sleepless nights, until you see your dreams,
I'll be there for you.
not be so embarrassed,
let me see your smile.
That smile is more beautiful and more precious to me than anything else.
that smile ...
(Click Image)
As I gusta this giant gif *-* I'm in my moment of love for Gackt ~
There are times when I really hate my life, yesterday I had one of those, though it must be like on Wednesday or Thursday that I was a well. The few things that really fill me in life I can not do with fullness of "x" or "and" sometimes it makes me feel sick, but also depends on how I am, because if I'm sensitive (as these days) I get to mourn for anything, even things I see on TV they normally would not mourn for anyone. _. Well, there are days like today where any little thing makes me feel biennialn. Today was good though I could not do all the things I wanted, gave me no time x_x my exams start tomorrow, Monday and not even consider departmental .-. but I think they start at 9:10 am so I have like 3 hours to study in the morning xD Today I finally see the 1st episode of season 2 of Junjou Romantica and I want *---* 2nd capital out! awww love this anime \u0026lt;3!
Platinum Box IX *----* I want !!!!! the preview is too cute (L)! there is something more beautiful than happy to see people you? partly because this video was a good day for me, I really am glad from *-* I love the part where Gackt wet XDDDD aww I want ;__;!
Well, average entry XDDD contribution had wanted to write this week because they may not have time for anything xx
Greetings to those who read:]!
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